Poker Rules and Important Factors to Know 2024

Poker rules are always of interest to many people because this is an attractive game that is very popular in many large casinos worldwide. This is a game originating from European regions. For more information about Poker and its rules, please refer to the following article of 29JILI.

Poker and Basic Information

Before getting to the detailed rules of Poker, you need to understand this game. Poker, also known as Xi To, is a highly competitive game in which players compete with each other by betting on cards. You can freely change the amount of your bet.

This game also uses a deck of 52 Western cards, at the beginning each player will be dealt private cards by the dealer. You must keep your cards secret and not reveal the last person. The community cards will be turned over and placed in the middle of the table, and a Poker game will usually have many different betting rounds.

When the last betting round ends, if you are still standing, you will have to show your cards. The person with the strongest card combined with the private cards and the community cards on the betting table will be the winner. In general, the rules of Poker are very simple, but you need to grasp the basic information.

In general, Poker is a game that combines luck and strategy when using your skills and experience to win. Therefore, this game was very popular in Europe, then it began to spread strongly throughout the world. Then it began to spread throughout the world.

Poker rules you need to know

Poker rules you need to know

There are many different variations of Poker, but they all follow a certain general rule. And if you want to become a master of this fascinating game, you need to grasp the following rules:

Poker Rules

A regular Poker table is regulated to have from 2 to 10 players. The Poker table is always marked with the letter D. It will always move from one player to another player clockwise after each hand to determine the position of the player on the betting table.

Poker rules stipulate that each person will be dealt 2 private cards by the Dealer, called hole cards. Then the Dealer will continue to deal with 5 common cards in turn in 4 betting rounds. Finally, the person with the strongest hand will win. However, the game can also end when someone raises or everyone folds.

After each betting round, all players’ money will be pooled into one place called the pot. According to the principle, each betting round only ends when everyone’s money is equal and no one continues to rise. The player will take all the money of the other players if he wins.

Selection in a betting round

  • Poker Rules In each game, players will have the right to choose the following cases:
  • Fold: If you see a bad hand or do not want to add more money to the bet to follow your opponent, you will lose the previous bet.
  • Continue betting: You can bet when no one has done so. At this time, if another player wants to continue playing, they must follow at least the amount you have bet.
  • Raise: When someone bets, the next player can bet more, also known as raising.
  • All-in: When you bet all the money you have, it is called all-in or all-in.
  • Call: Put out an amount equal to the previous player to continue that game.
  • See: When no one has bet, you also have the right not to bet and wait for the next player’s action.

The Sequence of a Poker Hand

The Sequence of a Poker Hand

This is the Poker rule that you need to know the most, at this time the 2 players next to the Dealer position will have to bet the required amount (blind money). The first player to the left of the Dealer is the Small Blind and the next is the Big Blind.

The reason it is called blind money is because the player must bet before being dealt cards. Next, each person will be dealt 2 hole cards and enter the following 4 betting rounds: Free Flop – Flop – Turn – River. At the end of the last betting round, if there is more than one player left, all will show their cards (Showdown) to determine whether the person with the strongest hand will win.


So the CASINO article above 29JILI has provided the information you need to know about Poker rules. Learn these rules by heart so that you can confidently participate in card games and easily win, earning the most bonuses.