Rules and How to Play Monopoly

Monopoly is one of the board games that young people love because of its interesting and novel nature, but many people are still quite vague about the game’s rules, so let’s follow the article below with phmacao casino.

What is Monopoly?

Monopoly is a type of mind game under Hasbro’s Parker Bros. brand. The game begins with players rolling the dice to make decisions about buying, selling, renting, and so on, with the goal of accumulating a wealth of assets for themselves.

What is Monopoly?

Monopoly rules

First, roll the dice and move the animal or object that represents you to the number of squares corresponding to the number of buttons on the dice.

If you roll two identical sides, you’ll be able to play twice in a row, but if you roll three times with two identical sides in a row, you’ll be imprisoned.

After your turn ends, the person on your left will go the same way as the instructions above.

In the case of no time limit, the game will end if the other players go bankrupt and there is only one person left who is not bankrupt, this last person will win.

If the group of players sets a time limit before playing, the richest person will be the winner of the game after the set time ends.


1 or 2 dice
Monopoly board (or board paper)
Animals or objects representing the players
Red books are used to identify houses, hotels, or other real estate.
Opportunity cards.
Luck cards.


The Monopoly board is composed of 40 small boxes, which include:
There are 28 boxes containing the names of famous places or streets in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, depending on the different production versions.
3 Opportunity boxes: These are opportunities you may encounter in life, which can be lucky or unlucky.
3 Luck boxes: These are the risks that you may encounter in life; however, sometimes, risks can also be viewed as opportunities.
1 luxury tax box: Pay the tax amount listed on the card at the bank.
1 income tax box: Pay the tax amount listed on the card at the bank.
The four squares are located at the four corners.

The starting point for all players.

Visit prison: Visit people in prison.

Parking is free. If you enter this box, you will lose your turn.

Go to prison: If you enter this box, you will be in prison until you roll two identical dice.

Detailed rules

First, the group discusses who rolls the dice first; whoever has the higher number will go first. Next, decide whether to arrange the players in a clockwise or counterclockwise order to determine the next player.

Next, you need to appoint a player to also act as the bank manager and open the auction when needed. In this role, you have the right to collect taxes, fines, recover debts, or interest from other players.

In addition, the manager is responsible for keeping all houses, hotels, and land books when no one owns them.

The remaining players will place their animals or objects on the starting square; each player takes turns rolling the dice and moving according to the number of buttons corresponding to the number of squares in a clockwise direction.

After rolling the dice, moving according to the specified number of squares, and performing the required content as clearly written on the square,

When players move into squares that other players have purchased, they will lose money.

Additionally, you have the option to request the purchase of land or houses from other players, or visit specific locations to access chance cards and luck.
If you roll 2 dice with the same number of buttons, you will get another turn, but if you roll and move 3 times with 2 identical dice, you will have to “go to jail” regardless of the position and lose your turn.

To escape, you must again roll two dice showing the same number of buttons.

Game-ending conditions

If other players go bankrupt and there is only one last person who is not insolvent, this last person will win and the game will end.

If the group of players has set a time limit before playing, the richest person will be declared the winner of the game after the predetermined time has passed.

Above are all the instructions on how to play Monopoly that Phmacao has compiled; Hopefully, they will help you learn more about the game rules so you can join in playing with your friends and relatives. Register an account now, bet now!